Unraveling the Mystery of the Self (check out my other blog at - http://myteo.blogspot.com/)
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Growth & Happiness
Constant development is the law of life, and a man who always tries to maintain his dogmas in order to appear consistent drives himself into a false position. -Mahatma Gandhi
Still discovering! Well, I could mention some of the things I like doing...like
I enjoy sitting in a coffee shop, and savouring the taste of a cappuccino. My present favourite is Barista, which I frequent whenever I feel like having some time with myself.
I adore playing games on my computer. My personal favourites are Commandos and Tropico. I could spend hours playing these games.
I like going for a long drive in the car or on my bike, late into the night. The cool air at that time, coupled with free roads, is very refreshing.
I love camping, trekking, hiking in the mountains or forests once in a while.
I love to go for a run (given a chance, on the seashore) in the morning. There are few things as refreshing as doing that early in the morning, followed by a heavy breakfast!
At 9:07 PM, August 05, 2006,
AJ ! Serendipity !!! said…
True. Simply True
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