I have changed. Since the time when I came to to a new city...since the time when I joined the company that I'm working with...since the time I did my first training program...since the time I felt the high on being appreciated after the training...since the time I started making new contacts who knew me as 'me', and not someone's son or grandson...since the time I started handling sessions in locations totally foreign to me, on my own...since the time I started washing my own clothes...since the time I started preparing my own food...since the time I started to make purchases using my own money...since the time I bought something for someone else using my own money...since the time I started investing my own money...since the time I felt elated on making a profit on my investments...since the time I felt the pain on losing a part of my investments...since the time I first visited a foreign country...since the time I started realizing what I wanted to do in life...
Then again I had some new experiences, different experiences, but positive experiences, which again made me look at myself in a different perspective...made me feel more responsible towards others...more responsible towards my own people...and most importantly, more responsible towards myself.
But I still feel the same...although I know that it's a different me now, than what I was a few months back...yet, I remain the same...but I have changed...
At 8:39 AM, July 17, 2005,
Rahul Dekate said…
The only constant thing in life is the change and you are welcoming it. You are maturing. The mango always is the mango but raw mango and ripe mango is different. The core is the same.
At 8:39 AM, July 17, 2005,
Unknown said…
You cant have changed dhananjay! Change is an illusion... change is continuously changing itself...
Your habits could've changed...
your physical self could've changed
your relationships could've changed
you could've learnt many new things in life...
But you cant change the real "you" within you!
At 9:09 PM, August 05, 2006,
AJ ! Serendipity !!! said…
hey busddy , u better mail me n let me know what u r upto these days. u can find my mail id on orkut. seems like we need to catch up a bit :)
till then take care
hav fun
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