Just read an article today, which speaks about giving official accreditation to us...by 'us', I mean the 'cyber-jounalists', or simply, the bloggers. It is heartening to know that the Indian Government is acknowledging the 'blogosphere', and is thinking about giving accreditation to dotcom journalists, including bloggers. This is really forward thinking by the Government, and it is really nice to read such development-oriented articles, than focusing on trivial issues such as changing names of cities, or banning dance-bars. In case you want to read this article, just click on this link -
http://autofeed.msn.co.in/pandorav3/output/News/610e772e-661e-4f92-a136-999ac0bbc955.aspx(Note: I'm neither promoting MSN India, nor am I advocating for the Congress Party. I just felt nice on reading this article, and hence I am posting this link here.)
At 4:04 AM, June 05, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Dear Dhandya,
This is an excellent portal! I will have to copy all this to understand this intelligent stuff. Thats lot of efforts yaar! Hey are you in touch with Caroline? Very cute female. You must have had a gala time in Mauritius. Atleast the photos say so! Neways great job and stay in touch.
At 9:04 PM, June 06, 2005,
Unknown said…
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At 9:08 PM, June 06, 2005,
Unknown said…
yeah its wonderful! i do think that blogging is a good source for people to become more aware ... its a great replacement to the magazines and newspapers to an extent!
If i remember correctly my freind Jace at www.jacebox.com wrote an article here too... :)
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