discovering me

Unraveling the Mystery of the Self (check out my other blog at -

Monday, February 21, 2005

Why blog?

Why do I blog? Previously, I have written a few positive points about blogging, but then why do I blog? Do I blog for myself? Just to make me aware of a few things previously unknown to me, by writing about them? Or do I blog to store my memories, my thoughts, and my experiences. But then am I trying to hold on to them (memories, thoughts, and experiences), by storing them somewhere? Am I trying to cling to the past? Or am I venting them out through blogging, and living in the present? But the previous question I blog for myself? Or is it that somewhere in my mind, I know that people (known / unknown) are going to read it? Do I blog to make them aware of my way of thinking? But known people (possibly) already know me quite well, and what difference would it make if come unknown person reads my blog? (Is anyone unknown? It is said that every person knows every other person on this earth through a maximum of seven links!). Maybe s/he could add comments, and bring in more clarity to my mystified thoughts...maybe it could help similar minded people share their thoughts / experiences. So is there any rationale behind blogging? Yes, there is, but it is different for different species of people. And as long as it serves their purpose, good for them.


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